Full body 3d-scan studio
Behind the scenes with Corine: 169 cameras, dashboard, preview frames
3d Full body scan @ 200 DSLR cameras
Capture a full body 3d scan of your actor with basic poses in order to get scaled models. 4 poses are a minimum for these sessions (Normal, A, T, Box) and will take less than 5 minutes per pose depending on the actor. We’re using 200 DSLR cameras for this configuration. The front/face of the subject usually gets more camera coverage and can even be used as a mixed FACS/Full body in certain projects. We do full color 3D scanning for movie visual effects and for gaming. Each scan can be created without the need for the subject to stay perfectly still and frame preview is available within a few seconds.
Library view (main image, prev/next), Thumbnails preview. These are all automated and displayed after the shot is taken
168-cameras full-body scan - 3d render in RC without any clean-up